UFCW Locals from the Western States Council held a successful lobby day in California that saw five UFCW-sponsored bills pass through their houses.
Last week, members and staff from UFCW Western States Council, Locals 5, 8, 648, 1167, 1442 and worker activists from OUR Walmart traveled to the California State Capitol to lobby for issues and legislation important to workers and working families.
The week began with a reception held at the Capitol and provided an opportunity for members to meet and speak with lawmakers. Members and staff began lobbying at the Capitol the next day and visiting 80 Assembly members’ offices. During their time there, five UFCW-sponsored bills passed their houses and will be moving forward through the legislative process.
The bills that passed are:
AB1792, the Public Benefit Report, would require that an annual report be done on private and public employers who have 25 or more employees on the state’s public assistance programs such as Medi-Cal and CalFresh.
AB1897, the Accountability for Labor Contractors bill, addresses the abuse of third-party labor contractors violating labor laws.
SB945, the Minimum Wage Fairness Act, authored by Senator Mark Leno, would increase the minimum wage in consecutive years from 2015 thru 2017 to $11, $12, and $13 dollars per hour, and begin to align workers’ worth with the immense rate of productivity that workers have delivered to companies across industries in the state.
SB270, the bill that would eliminate single -use carryout plastic bags statewide.
- AB2418, the Improving of Patient Medication Adherence bill.