This year, UFCW members and locals played an active role in the Stamp Out Hunger food drive. The following photos are just a a fraction of the astounding donations of non-perishable food and time volunteered by UFCW folks in their communities. (Click to advance)
MCAW and UFCW OUTreach Respond to Walmart’s Silence on Bathroom Incident in Connecticut

Last week, Making Change at Walmart (MCAW) and UFCW OUTreach issued the following statement in response to reports that a Connecticut woman, who had just donated her hair to a cancer charity, was harassed in a Walmart bathroom by someone who mistook her as transgender:
“Across the country, stores are proudly showing their support for the transgender community by either providing unisex bathrooms or by publicly announcing that transgender people are free to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. Yet, Walmart has not followed suit. Their silence is not only callous, it is dangerous. It allows bigotry, like the incident in Connecticut, to get a free pass. As the world’s largest retailer, Walmart has a responsibility to make sure all customers and employees, no matter their race, sex, religion, sexuality, or gender identity, feel welcome and safe in their stores.”