On Jan. 12, over 2,000 members of UFCW Local 832 who work at the Maple Leaf Foods plant in the city of Brandon in Manitoba, Canada, ratified a strong, new contract. These members process hogs to make fresh pork products for Canadian and international markets.

Highlights from the seven-year contract include:
- +$4.55 increase to hourly wages and off-shift premiums raised to 85¢ over the life of the agreement.
- 30 percent increase to shift-premiums.
- $300,000 in funds to assess and reclassify certain jobs into higher-paying categories.
- Improved flexibility for using banked overtime.
- Increased company contributions into members’ benefits, dental plan and pension.
“Our committee did an outstanding job during this tough round of bargaining, ensuring that all union members were represented at the bargaining table,” said UFCW Local 832 President Jeff Traeger, who also served as the lead negotiator. “The result is a new CBA with significant wins for everyone that works at the plant.”