Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign recently tapped UFCW veteran Nikki Budzinski as Labor Outreach Director. For nearly seven years, Budzinski has served the 1.3 million members of the UFCW with distinction. As Associate Director of the UFCW Legislative and Political Action Department, Budzinski has counseled UFCW officers, local unions, and thousands of hard-working men and women across the United States. She has built strong relationships in the halls of power—from Congress to the White House to state legislatures. Her mission from the outset was to motivate and inspire UFCW members to take action and help make the union a stronger and more visible player in the political arena. Most recently, she founded and led the GOLD Internship program, a first of its kind outreach to young UFCW members. Budzinski will serve as the Clinton campaign’s liaison to the labor movement—seeking the input of unions and their members on issues important to working families. The entire UFCW family wishes her well in this endeavor.