UFCW Local 791 Legislative and Political Director Peter Derouen recently attended a “Communities in Action: Building a Better Massachusetts” event at the White House. The event gave leaders from all across Massachusetts the opportunity to learn more about what the Biden Administration is doing to improve the lives of Bay Staters.

Derouen had the opportunity to speak with administration officials and thank them for the passage of the critical CHIPS and IRA legislation.
“I was honored to represent Local 791 and the UFCW and participate in a discussion with Biden-Harris Administration officials about the many policies that have benefited New England over the last three years,” Derouen said.
Participants at the event also talked about the benefits of the American Rescue Plan and how the money from stimulus bill helped to build community strength and protect working families in Massachusetts. UFCW members in Massachusetts benefitted directly from the American Rescue Plan through lower monthly health insurance costs and unemployment benefits due to COVID-19 related job losses.
UFCW Locals 1189 and 1473 attended Communities in Action events earlier this year. The White House is planning to hold more Communities in Action events in the future and the Legislative and Political Action Department will notify locals when there is an event for your state.