Members of UFCW Local 8GS who work at Pak ‘N Save in Madera, Calif., recently ratified a new contract that raises pay and improves benefits. Pak ‘N Save is owned by Safeway Inc.

The three-year contract includes retroactive wage increases, no health care premiums for active employees, and improvements to medical benefits with a shorter qualifying period for new hires. The contract also includes a 28-hour weekly guaranteed schedule for those with more than 15 years at Pak ‘N Save, additional benefit extensions to maintain full health care while out on a medical leave of absence, and the revival of the Individual Account Plan, a supplemental pension plan. The initial wage increase for journeypersons is retroactive to July 19, 2020.
“This is a big ‘win’ for our members at Pak ‘N Save,” said UFCW Local 8GS President Jacques Loveall. “Their patience and dedication helped us to reach a settlement during this difficult time.”