Local unions from across the country met in Dallas last week to outline a plan to help UFCW members take advantage of President Obama’s executive action on immigration.
Local unions from across the country met in Dallas last week to announce and outline a plan to help UFCW members take advantage of President Obama’s executive action on immigration. On November 21, the President’s action provided relief to immigrant workers, families, and communities. His executive action will make the parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents eligible for work authorization. It also expanded relief for those who came to the U.S. prior to turning 16 years old and have been here for five years by removing the age cap for eligibility. The UFCW is committed to making sure its members are first in line when these programs go into effect in 2015. The UFCW plans to set up comprehensive workshops where members can file applications and have their legal questions answered, similar to the Union Citizenship Action Network (UCAN) program. For more information, visit www.ufcw.org/immigrationaction.