Over 30 workers at the Barnes & Noble store in the Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn, N.Y., voted to join the RWDSU/UFCW on June 29.

The RWDSU/UFCW also represents Barnes & Noble College Booksellers at Rutgers University and Barnes & Noble workers at the Union Square Flagship store in New York City, who joined our union family earlier this year.
Workers at the Park Slope store joined the RWDSU/UFCW because they faced continued safety issues amid the rebound of the pandemic, including workplace harassment, as well as substandard pay for the industry, unstable scheduling practices, a lack of structure when it comes to job duties and tasks at work, and favoritism. They’re planning to address these issues during their first contract negotiations.
The vote to unionize workers at Barnes & Noble Park Slope store was conducted by an in-person secret ballot vote on-site at the store on June 29, and overseen by the National Labor Relations Board. The RWDSU/UFCW will represent over 30 workers at the store in contract negotiations, which will commence this year. The workers in the proposed bargaining units include booksellers, baristas, cashiers, and all non-supervisory employees at the store.
“I am happy and relieved about the outcome today,” said Sydul Akhanji (he/him), who is a bookseller. “I hope B&N is listening to us today and will work with us as we begin negotiations. And I hope other retail workers who are interested in unionization find this moment to be inspiring and get active.”