On Feb. 17, over 10,000 members of UFCW Local 7 who work at King Soopers stores throughout Colorado ended their ULP strike after securing a return-to-work settlement. King Soopers is a subsidiary of Kroger.

This agreement comes after nearly two weeks of picketing by members of UFCW Local 7 alongside members of other UFCW locals and International staff with the goal of improving conditions in the stores and securing a contract that the workers have earned and deserve.
The return-to-work settlement includes:
- A return to the bargaining table with an agreement that Kroger cannot implement any offer for at least 100 days and will not lock workers out during this time. This will give us the time to ensure we get what we need to make a staffing proposal and take action to protect our retirees.
- A return-to-work with an agreement that provides for a guarantee that no worker will lose their health care for April 2025 because of the employer’s forced ULP strike.
- An agreement by the company that its January 16, 2025, offer is no longer a “last, best, and final’ offer. The union and the company are working to identify dates to return to the bargaining table and have agreed to spend the next 100 days focusing on trying to reach an agreement.
“We have taken a big step forward and ensured that Kroger knows that staffing is a key concern to workers and customers alike,” said UFCW Local 7 President Kim Cordova. “We will go back to the bargaining table and continue our fight for a fair union contract for us, our customers and the communities we serve. This strike was about thousands of everyday grocery store workers, collectively standing together and facing one of the largest corporations in America and saying ‘ENOUGH.’ Our strike was just the beginning of this effort and elevated staffing in grocery stores to a national level with more workers and allies joining together. Just like our successful campaign to stop the mega grocery merger, we won’t stop until we win better staffing and better stores for grocery store workers and customers.”