Members of UFCW Local 1518 who work at the Canna Cabana cannabis store on Davie Street in Vancouver, Canada, ratified their first contract on Oct. 9. Canna Cabana is a nationwide chain with over 180 cannabis stores across Canada.

UFCW Local 1518 has been fighting hard at the bargaining table to negotiate a strong, first contract for these workers for months. In May, Canna Cabana workers voted unanimously in favor of a strike to show the employer they were united in their fight for a fair contract. The budtenders were ready to fight to ensure adequate levels of staffing at their store. With the threat of job action and after serving a strike notice last week, these workers successfully won a landmark first agreement, securing important wins for members at Canna Cabana and setting a new standard for cannabis dispensaries in the Lower Mainland.
Key highlights from the newly ratified two-year contract include:
Improved Staffing Levels: A minimum of two staff members will be on duty daily, with an additional staff member available on weekends.
Tips: Workers are now allowed to receive tips.
Full-Time Positions: New shift lead positions were created, allowing access to full-time hours.
New Benefits: All employees will have paid education and bereavement leave, and eligible employees will have access to group health and medical plans.
Paid Breaks: Employees on eight hour shifts will enjoy paid breaks.
“These workers stood together and were united in their fight for a fair contract by delivering a 100 percent strike vote,” said UFCW Local 1518 President Patrick Johnson. “United, the committee returned to the bargaining table with a strong mandate and won significant improvements, including new full-time positions, adequate staffing levels, paid breaks, and benefits.”