On August 12, program and community organizers at the Planned Parenthood health center in Lansing, Mich., joined UFCW Local 951. This organizing win marks the second Planned Parenthood health center to join UFCW Local 951, which represents medical assistants at the Planned Parent health center in Kalamazoo.

The program and community organizers joined our union family because they wanted to improve working conditions and better service their community. They also wanted the same benefits as their medical assistant colleagues at the health center in Kalamazoo, which has recently expanded the unit to include two nurses. The medical assistants were part of the campaign to organize the program and community organizers.
“We are proud of these workers for making their voices heard with this vote, and we are excited to welcome them as members of UFCW Local 951,” said UFCW Local 951 President John Cakmakci. “We look forward to bargaining a contract that will give them the guarantees and protections in the workplace they desire and deserve.”