Over 140 workers at DO & CO Chicago Catering, Inc. in Des Plaines, Ill., joined UFCW Local 1546 on Feb. 6.

The workers, who joined our union family via card check, prepare and package premium catered food items for high-end international airlines. They joined UFCW Local 1546 because they wanted the better wages, benefits, and workplace protections that come with a union contract.
With the assistance of Louis Marc Carotenuto of UFCW Local 2013 in New York, who brought the two parties together, International Vice President and UFCW Local 1546 President Bob O’Toole negotiated access and neutrality with the company. The campaign to organize these workers included in-person meetings and communication on social media platforms.
“We are pleased to have established a positive labor-management partnership with DO & CO and look forward to representing and servicing such a diverse and energetic workforce,” said O’Toole.