UFCW Local 1059, in coordination with the International, recently held a training for organizers and Special Project Union Representatives (SPURs) in Columbus, Ohio.

The training, which took place from Jan. 16 to 18, was attended by six UFCW Local 1059 SPURs. The training focused on enhancing organizers’ engagement with members and potential members and refining their organizing skills and highlighted three key topics: how to better engage workers through reflective engagement; how to make effective home calls; and how to assess workers and handle challenges.
The “Reflective Engagement” segment of the training helped UFCW 1059 SPURs to engage with workers thoughtfully, actively listen, and understand their concerns to build trust and strong connections. The “Making Effective Home Calls” segment focused on helping participants make home visits more impactful by growing personal connections with workers, addressing their concerns and strengthening solidarity. The “Assessing Workers and Handling Resistance” segment helped participants to develop strategies to identify the skills and strengths of workers and gain tools to effectively handle any resistance, ensuring a constructive approach to challenges.
“There is no better advocate of the power of workers coming together in the UFCW than union workers themselves,” said UFCW Local 1059 President Randy Quickel. “This was a great opportunity to educate, train, and ultimately grow our local union.”
“I was surprised by how engaging and interactive these three days were,” said UFCW Local 1059 Organizing Director Mark Dersom. “D.J. put on an excellent training, and I can’t wait to get started with our SPURs!”
If your local is interested in holding a similar training for organizers and SPURs, contact D.J. Totty in the International’s Organizing Department at dtotty@ufcw.org.