Cannabis production workers at the Holistic Industries facility in Monson, Mass., recently voted to join UFCW Local 1459 to build a better life and secure the protections and benefits they deserve under a union contract.

This organizing win comes after months of meetings and conversations between workers and UFCW Local 1459 organizers, as well as years of unfulfilled promises from management and the company. Workers at the Holistic Industries facility were galvanized to join our union family after major layoffs left them short-staffed, which led to long hours to finish tasks well outside their job descriptions. The workers were also concerned about low pay and hazardous working conditions. They hope to negotiate a strong, first union contract that will address those issues.
“Before, I’d come into work every day and say to myself ‘there’s room for improvement,’” said Jessica Bozenhard, who is a packaging associate at Holistic Industries and was part of the organizing process. “This victory means we can start making improvements. The union gives us a voice and the support we need to make change possible.”