Over 100 workers at Green Thumb Industries and RISE dispensaries at seven locations throughout Minnesota voted to join UFCW Local 1189 on March 30. These hard-working men and women are employed as production and retail workers in the company’s Minnesota grow and retail locations.

These workers voted to join our union family via card check because they were concerned about insufficient hours and wages, as well as issues revolving around seniority and promotions.
The campaign to organize these workers included one-on-one meetings, as well as worker to worker contact. This new unit of cannabis workers will join the Vireo Health/Green Goods workers as UFCW Local 1189 members, making both Minnesota cannabis companies union companies.
“We’re very excited to welcome Green Thumb and Rise employees to our union family,” said UFCW Local 1189 President Jim Gleb. “These folks have worked on organizing with their coworkers over the past several years and we are thrilled to see them succeed.”