Last week, 11 UFCW members from across the country gathered in Minneapolis with staff from the Legislative and Political Action Department (LAPAD) for a Political Member Organizer Leads training ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. These newly trained members will anchor the 2022 political program by directing and supporting Political Member Organizers as they work to engage UFCW members to vote in the midterm elections.

The week-long training focused on preparing Political Member Organizer Leads to train and manage teams of Political Member Organizers in their respective states who will conduct voter registration drives door to door, over the phone, and at worksites. Political Member Organizer Leads learned how to conduct worksite visits, have effective conversations with members about issues, and utilize a variety of tools to complete these tasks.
The energy and enthusiasm in the room was high and our Political Member Organizer Leads left motivated and equipped to make sure their fellow members understand what is at stake in the upcoming midterm elections and have the information they need to make their voices heard in November. The UFCW Political Member Program is in great hands with this group of leaders, and we applaud them for stepping up to lead our work in 2022.
If your local is interested in learning more about LAPAD trainings for members, contact International Vice President and Director of the LAPAD Ademola Oyefeso at