Over 600 members of UFCW Local 876 who work at Medstar Ambulance in Michigan recently ratified a new contract that strengthens wages and benefits. These members are employed as emergency medical technicians, paramedics and dispatchers, and work at the Medstar Ambulance headquarters at Clinton Township, as well as at the Bay City, Flint, Southfield, Lincoln Park, Lansing, Clarkston and Almont sites.
The five-year contract includes a 7 percent wage increase up front and additional wage increases during the life of the contract. The contract also includes loyalty bonuses, where members can earn $500 for every year after five years of service and $1,000 for every year after 10 years of service, which will be paid out annually on the anniversary date.
With the new contract, members now have personal days they can use outside of earned time off. The contract also includes an attendance bonus, where members can earn $300 a month for not having unexcused days and anyone with perfect attendance the whole year can earn an additional $3,600.
“The Medstar Ambulance agreement continues to make significant progress in wages, benefits and protections with each ratification,” said UFCW Local 876 President Dan Pedersen. “This growth can be attributed to the immense and complete engagement of the membership, the bargaining committee and management, and the relationships built around the goal of providing for the most critical members of our communities.”