On July 19, the UFCW applauded President Biden’s Child Tax Credit as the new relief payments go out to families across the country. The UFCW has been a leading voice in the call to provide greater support and financial assistance for working parents and praised the new Child Tax Credit, which is part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan and includes $3,000 for each child between the ages of six and 17 and $3,600 for each child under the age of six, as critical financial assistance for millions of working families nationwide.

“President Biden’s Child Tax Credit is a game changer for union households and hard-working families across the country,” said UFCW International President Marc Perrone in a statement. “America’s frontline, essential workers in grocery stores and meatpacking plants have faced some of the highest COVID risks, and this middle class tax cut will help pay for child care, school supplies, and all the essentials parents and families need this summer. Now, more than ever, we must not forget the incredible sacrifices that are still being made by middle and working class families, and this Child Tax Credit is another example of the actions we must take to better their lives.”
“As a frontline worker who got sick with coronavirus in March 2020 and a father of a son with special needs, the Child Tax Credit means so much to my family and me,” said UFCW Local 876 member Jerry Young, who works at a Kroger store in Madison Heights, Mich. “My 16-year-old son will most definitely benefit from this tax credit that will help us provide the care my son needs. We will use it to pay for his summer camp, school meals, and tutoring that I know will be a big help for him after a year of remote learning.”
“Working on the front lines of COVID has been tough, but I know how important it’s been for us to make sure Nevada families have access to the groceries they need throughout the pandemic,” said UFCW Local 711 member Roman Avalos, who works at an Albertsons store in Las Vegas. “Without grocery workers like us, people don’t get the food and medicine they need. This past year I’ve been so concerned about getting sick, and despite following all the safety protocols, I got COVID last October. Thankfully, I was able to get the care I needed and recovered. This Child Tax Credit is like a breath of fresh air for essential workers like me, and will make it possible to take time off work to take care of and spend time with my two little kids. I am so grateful for this Child Tax Credit, which will make a big difference for our family and so many others in our community.”
UFCW members who have children and are receiving the Child Tax Credit are encouraged to share their stories and record a video on the UFCW Votes site about the positive impact of these funds and why the Child Tax Credit should be made permanent. Click here if you’re interested in sharing your story.
UFCW members across the country are sharing how the Child Tax Credit is helping their families, with their stories highlighted in local media outlets like the Toledo Blade in Ohio. Additional information about President Biden’s Child Tax Credit is available here.