Over 2,100 members of UFCW Local 152 who are employed as retail clerks at ShopRite stores in New Jersey ratified a new contract on Oct. 20 that protects health care benefits and raises wages.

The four-year contract, which covers Shoprite stores owned by Bottino’s Family Markets, Perlmart Inc., and Village Supermarkets, Inc., maintains no-cost-sharing of medical benefits for the lifetime of the contract. The contract also establishes paid sick days for members, a new benefit made possible with the introduction of the New Jersey Earned Sick Leave Law. Effective upon ratification, ShopRite retail clerks can accrue up to 40 hours per year of paid sick time, which, if unused at the end of the year, can also be cashed out. This sick time is in addition to all other forms of paid time off that members currently receive.
The contract also includes immediate, retroactive across-the-board wage increases, as well as additional across-the-board increases throughout the life of the contract. Most department heads and classified positions will also receive an increased premium to reward their commitment and skills. Finally, in addition to better clarifying language throughout the contract, ShopRite has agreed to continue to contribute to the pension fund (for eligible employees) at an increased rate for the life of the agreement.
Members of the Negotiating Committee included UFCW Local 152 President Brian String; Director of Collective Bargaining Daniel Ross, Jr.: Director of Communications Mike Thompson; and Union Representative Carmine DelVicario. The committee also included 14 shop stewards: Jodie Hampton-Veach; Maricella Brown; Betty-Ann Brown; William Pitts; Frank Farside; Charles Vitullo; Nancy Riess; Ed Stapleton; John Puesi; Bob Hawkins; Karen Drammissi; Christine Scherm; Diane Haug; and Kelli Wehmann.