On Labor Day, UFCW International President Marc Perrone issued a statement to remind America’s workers about the benefits of joining a union.
“Now is the time for every American to stop waiting for a political savior and take steps to save ourselves. It begins with us, the leaders and members of labor, and it depends upon our ability to reach workers who are tired of being left behind to struggle alone. To anyone who has doubts about whether or not a union can help, we have one request: Ask us.”
President Perrone’s op-ed titled “Building a Path to a Better and More Just America” was also published in The Hill on Labor Day. An excerpt from the op-ed reads:
“We, across labor, must embrace the power we have to define ourselves for what we truly are – an amazing economic benefit that will improve the life of every worker – regardless of their ethnicity, race, gender, faith, political identity, or sexual orientation – who joins with us. We not only put real money in our members’ pockets, but we give them something even greater: dignity, respect, and security so that they never struggle alone.”
A full copy of the op-ed can be found here.