Erratic scheduling, low-wage part-time jobs, trade deals that ship good jobs overseas, and skyrocketing income inequality are all themes of a national print ad being released by the UFCW. The entire ad can be seen here and will be featured throughout Labor Day weekend in USA Today. It will reach more than 1.2 million people.
The ad is an open letter to hard-working families and makes clear to everyone that no one in America should have to fight for a better life alone. The following are excerpts from the letter:
“Today, millions of hard-working families struggle to survive on low-paying full-time jobs or low-wage part-time jobs.
“Erratic hours and scheduling make it impossible for workers to control their lives.
“Trade deals ship good jobs overseas while offering false promises of better jobs tomorrow.
“Irresponsible corporations like Walmart treat their employees and their families as if they were dispensable.
“The question that must be asked is how long can this nation endure when so few have so much, and so many have so little? For the sake of a better America, the time has come for real change.
“Our message to retail workers, and to all hard-working men and women is a simple one – you and your family deserve better. By joining together, we can help you fight for it.
“For those retail workers who have questions, concerns, or even doubts, please reach out to us at
“We are determined to earn your trust and support. Let’s prove that by becoming partners we can change your life, and the lives of millions of retail workers for the better.”