Members of UFCW Locals 75 and 227 knocked on doors, made phone calls, and had one on one conversations with their coworkers about the right to work proposal in Ky.
Working families suffered many defeats at the ballot box on Election Day, but one bright spot came in Kentucky where UFCW members helped keep the House in pro-worker hands. Republicans were just a few seats away from a veto-proof majority and pledged to make right to work legislation their top priority.
Members of UFCW Locals 75 and 227 knocked on doors, made phone calls, and had one on one conversations with their coworkers about this dangerous proposal. “Right to work would make Kentucky poorer, sicker, less likely to have retirement security, and more reliant on Uncle Sam,” UFCW Local 227 member Shannon McMurray wrote in the Louisville Courier-Journal. “We deserve better.”
In the end, the voices of McMurray and other UFCW members were heard loud and clear. The Kentucky House remained Democratic by the same 54–46 pre-election margin.